
Ulkopuolisena neuvonantajana vien ajatuksiesi
uusille urille!

Olen tukenut toimitusjohtajia, sparrannut kymmeniä yrityksiä ja toiminut 20+ luottamustehtävässä, mukaan lukien pörssiyrityksessä ja puheenjohtajapesteissä. Johtamiseen liittyvien kysymysten lisäksi olen auttanut yrityksiä strategisissa kysymyksissä ja konseptoinnissa, modernissa myynnissä ja markkinoinnissa sekä rahoituskierrosten valmistelussa.


Tarjoan erikokoisille yrityksille, julkisyhteisöille ja yhdistyksille neuvonantaja-palveluja, mikä voi tarkoittaa esimerkiksi seuraavia:

  • Asiantuntijavierailu tai puheenvuoro johtoryhmän tai hallituksen kokouksessa
  • Konsultointitoimeksianto liiketoiminnan/johtamisen kehittämiseksi
  • Toimintatapojen, pelisääntöjen ja arvojen kirkastaminen työpajatyöskentelynä 
  • Jatkuva kumppanuus tai joustava neuvonantajapalvelujen käyttäminen
  • Hallituksen jäsenyys
  • Jäsenyys advisory boardissa 


Kehitän suomalaista tulevaisuuden hallitustyötä Future Boardin ja Pohjois-Suomen Hallituspartnereiden hallituksissa, ja olen Helsingin Hallituspartnereiden, DIF:n (Hallitusammattilaiset ry:n) ja Boardmanin jäsen sekä Kultaisen Nuijan sihteeristössä. Yhdistyspuolella olen toiminut mm. Naisjuristien puheenjohtajana, European Women Lawyers Associationin Suomen edustajana sekä Oulun Maanpuolustusnaisten ja Pelastakaa Lapset ry:n hallituksissaIgnite by AaltoES, Aalto Startup Center, Tribe Tampere, Red Brick Accelerator, Nordic Startup School ja *ship Festival ovat startup-yhteisöjä ja -ohjelmia, joissa olen sparrannut startuppeja. Lisäksi olen ollut mentorina esimerkiksi E&Y:n ja Gaian sekä Lakimiesliiton ohjelmissa. Olen myös toiminut lukuisissa tulevaisuus- ja strategiatyöryhmissä ja esimerkiksi Suomen Strategisen Johtamisen Seuran skenaariotyöryhmässä.


Olisiko teillä tarvetta ulkopuoliselle näkemykselle ja neuvonantajalle?
Ota reippaasti yhteyttä, niin keskustellaan lisää.


Ota yhteyttä

I picked Aino-Mari for SSH board and enjoyed working with her. She listens, analyzes, and brings useful insights. She has a broad knowledge of modern marketing and Internet business and is able to make useful suggestions and formulate visionary ideas. Her small-company start-up background shows in her dynamic approach, budget-mindedness, and focus on constant positive change.

– Tatu, SSH.COM

“While working as executive director at Future Board where Aino-Mari was in the board, it was fruitful to collaborate and work together with her in the board meetings and between of them. Aino-Mari took an active role when needed and she was actively giving her opinion and ideas for decisions. In addition, Aino-Mari's communication habits and response times made it easy to contact her and get things forward smoohtly between the board meetings. Aino-Mari is a great colleaque and I appreciate her calm and neutral approach to more or less any subject we worked together."

– Klaus, Future Board

"I have been Aino-Mari´s mentor for board work and leadership since 2020. Aino-Mari is a reliable, insightful, committed, and cooperative person who can make decisions, take responsibility, and lead. Her rich experience of various roles and business environments combined with an international mindset and enthusiasm makes her valuable to any company. If you have any further questions about Aino-Mari, I am happy to expand my recommendation."

– Marjo, Ensto

"I had the honor to be mentored with my startup by Aino-Mari in the program of the Ship Startup Festival. We had a full hour session during which we were able to work together on our idea. The insights obtained from Aino-Mari during this single session were high value, as she shared her own experiences and expertise with early phase growth companies. I was impressed about the depth of her preparedness, it was obvious that she had dedicated time to view our video presentation and prepared for us many dozens of questions. Those pointers had helped us to think through our project and make changes to our approach to investor pitching."

– Csaba, HiDucator

"Aino-Mari is a very inspirational individual. I have had the pleasure of knowing her for over two years and have been impressed by her passion, multitude of skills/experiences, and personality. I can highly recommend her!"

– Hannu, PwC


"Aino-Mari is a remarkably goal-oriented, tough, and relentless entrepreneur who eats obstacles for breakfast. She is fun to work with as she is both demanding and accommodating and, despite having a strong vision, is open to good suggestions."

– Jussi, Qaava Consulting

“Aino-Mari has been most helpful as a mentor for B2B SaaS company Healthzilla which is currently raising seed capital to grow its international wellness technology business. She has been able to give most valuable insights related to, for instance, sales & marketing, GTM strategy, and funding. We can highly recommend her as a mentor!”

– Tommi, Healthzilla

Aino-Mari and I were both board members of the Future Board association. We have worked together for a year. The best thing about Aino-Mari is that I can trust her. She is an independent worker who delivers what she promises, and always keeps deadlines. I am happy to tell more about Aino-Mari and her competence as a board member.

– Anmari, Future Board

"Aino-Mari is multitalented, having a strong personality, extensive academic education, vast international experience of life, business and management culture. She is rich of ideas, has well argumented strong views but also possesses a willingness to listen and to learn. Above all: Aino-Mari is a genuine, pleasant and impressive person."

– Veli, Metsa Board